Sarah Cage
As a machine embroiderer and knitter/weaver/lace maker I enjoy exploring textile construction methods and experimenting, combining different techniques and unusual materials to produce textured and three-dimensional pieces. I prefer to work at relatively small scales, producing detailed items and like to experiment with the effect of one colour against another, in weaving/braiding and in layering of transparent and translucent fabrics. My work is more representational than conceptual, often including landscapes and plants, and more recently figures.
A child in the 50s and 60s, I have a strong “make-do-and-mend/upcycling” ethos, avoiding buying new when I have something that will do for a project, using materials economically and saving scraps for later use. I have also inherited something from family involvement in the Arts and Crafts movement – things should be practical as well as beautiful – and find it difficult to make items purely for display.
Available for talks, demonstrations, exhibitions and commissions
Contact Details
Email: sarah@sarahcage.co.uk
Website: www.sarahcage.co.uk
Shop: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SarahCageTextiles
Facebook: Textile Designs by Sarah Cage